dimanche 14 décembre 2008


With the help of my scanner I can say that the winners are... (I haven't photomachine.) Congratulation! :))
Voici, le résultat. J'ai du utiliser mon scanner que je les trouve. Ne soyez tristes! Vous aurez encore d'occassion! Et félicitation! :)) Tu vois Sandra, c'est incroyable!
Íme az eredmény. A szkenneremet kellett használnom a sorsoláshoz. Kriszti! Mazsu! Lesz még alkalom! :))

11 commentaires:

  1. Sorry Yoon-see! Once I can write your name, two time I can't...
    But what's your first name?

  2. zseniális ötlet!!!!! na ezek után törhetem a fejem, ha én is sorsolni akarnék:)

  3. sebaj, maj'megnézem a meskán.

    congrats to winners! :)

    egyébként van erre a sorsolás-problémára egy szuper random-szám-generátor, itt: http://www.mathgoodies.com/calculators/random_no_custom.html
    neveket nem tud, csak sorszámot, de jópofa :)

  4. Incroyable !!! Je suis contente. Waouhhhhhhhh. Merci le scanner !

  5. Oh my god! This is the first time I win anything! And if it comes from you I'm sure it will be fantastic! Thank you, thank you so much!

  6. Thanks ojni!
    I just can't wait to get it.
    Your illustrations are so magically beautiful! Even I don't always dream also start to dream good things, yeah just like miracles happen. Wishing you the best of luck in your exam and miracles happen.
    My email is yoonseeart@gmail.com
    Pls. furnish me your address alongside with your email. OK.

  7. It's fine Ojni.
    Thanks for your interest & respect in me.
    I feel so honoured & respectable...

    I will tell you in my email.
    Sometimes, it's good not to be too exposed! Hope you understand!!!
